8. Addendum

AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organisations
BROE Special Operations Unit (of the Police) / Brigada de Operaciones Especiales
CACIF Chamber of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry and Finance / Comité Coordinador de Asociaciones Agricolas, Comerciales, Industriales y Financieras
CNT National Workers Confederation / Central Nacional de Trabajadores National
CNUS Committee of Trade Union Unity / Comité Nacion al de Unidad Sindical
CONUS Coordinating Committee of National Organisations of Trade Union Unity / Coordinadora Nacional de Unidad Sindical
CUC Committee for Peasant Unity / Comité de Unidad Campesina
CUSG Confederation of Guatemalan Trade Union Unity / Confederación de Unidad Sindical de Guatemala
EGSA Guatemala Bottlers Ltd. / Embotelladora Guatemalteca Sociedad Anónima
ESA Secret Anticommunist Army / Ejército Secreto Anticomunista
FAR Rebel Armed Forces / Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes
ICCR Interfaith Centre for Corporate Responsibility
ITS International Trade Secretariat
IUF International Union of Food and Allied Workers’ Associations
PMA Mobile Military Police / Policia Militar Ambulante
STEGAC Trade Union of Workers in the Guatemala Bottling and Associated Companies / Sindicato de Trabajadores de Embotelladora Guatemalteca, Anexos y Conexos
STECSA Trade Union of Workers in the Central Bottling Company Coca-Cola / Sindicato de Trabajadores de Embotelladora Central S.A. Coca-Cola
URNG National Revolutionary Unity of Guatemala / Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca

War on Want
War on Want is a British development agency, which supports projects and campaigns against poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

War on Want has provided assistance to the development projects of the Guatemalan poor since the earthquake in 1976. At present we are helping the trade union federation, UNSITRAGUA, in its poverty-related projects. The repression of the last decade has deprived the trade union movement of many of its experienced leaders. War on Want is supporting a programme which gives trade unionists on opportunity to study Guatemalan history and basic economics while improving their literary and technical skills. Our work also includes health and production projects with people displaced by the war, many of them widows, and with peasant associations who are trying to reconstruct their communities.

For further information about War on Want and its projects, contact:
War on Want 44-48 Shepherdess Walk London N1 7JP
or visit the website: https://www.waronwant.org/