The labour movement we want will pull back humanity from the brink of an ecological catastrophe.
The mission of the GLI is to offer a space for free discussion for all those—whatever their political origins and organisational commitments—who seek to restore the labour movement to its original purpose, to be the driving force for a progressive transformation of society, to restore its historical memory, to successfully confront reactionary authoritarians, whether they operate under a “Left” disguise or shamelessly advocate a resurrection of fascism.
We define democratic socialism in terms of radical democracy. The labour movement we want will pull back humanity from the brink of an ecological catastrophe.

Victor Serge (1890-1947)
We are many, more than we are ourselves aware, and we are everywhere. We are the “Invisible International”, as Victor Serge, in his time, and under far worse and dramatic circumstances, called the resistance fighters of the “homeless Left” who got together spontaneously in occupied France to enable many to escape and survive.
Our “Invisible International” is the community of trade unionists, many of them young and a growing number of women, from many countries and organisations,, who seek to build the labour movement of the future, a fighting movement for freedom and justice, the liberation movement of humanity.
The purpose of this site is to serve that struggle.
If you want to help, please contact us.
Dan Gallin
October 2018